Wicket vs. Tapestry4
Posted on August 26, 2005 • 1 minutes • 171 words
Last couple of days I’ve been tossed between Tapestry 4b3 and Wicket 1.1b3. Both of which integration with Spring is quite problematic.
Things I like about Tapestry(4):
- Full control over pages/components
- Once Spring is integrated, full IOC is possible.
- Nice components available (eg. Tacos)
Things I don’t like about Tapestry:
- Quite a lot of dependencies (Here less is beter)
- Hivemind.. (way to beta to do some actual work). Try integrating it with hibernate for example..
- Directory structure. HTML pages float around in the classpath without the possibility to have them
But comparing them with Wicket…
Good things:
- Strongly typed
- Real components (class+html) possible (just drag a jar in the lib folder)
- Good I18n possibilities
- Good templating possibilities (both HTML and class)
- very few dependencies
- Spring can be integrated by encapsulating it in the Application class
Things I don’t like about Wicket
- Everything needs to be defined in java, no pull possible
- Getting the HTML right is hell, tags aren’t replaced they are filled
- Components require the right tags
- No real IOC